Child Revise

8 Ways to Help Your Child Revise

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Looking for ways to support your child through exam season this year? It’s a stressful period and can cause anxiety for some students and their parents. Here are some ways you can help your child get through their studies and feel confident heading into their next exam.

1. Create a space for them to study

It’s important that your child has a dedicated space to study. Whether this is a desk in their bedroom or a corner of the living room, giving them somewhere to sit down and focus as they revise can help to boost concentration. If you don’t have room for a permanent spot, create a temporary one until exam season is over.

2. Set up a timetable for revision

Does your child need help planning their time? Help them by creating a revision timetable. You can work in unison with your child to set up a schedule for them. Map out their school week, extra-curricular activities and other commitments and see where you can fit in study sessions around those. Remember to be realistic and give your child time to relax, see friends and be a kid! Breaking down revision into smaller chunks can help your child stay engaged and motivated – for every 30-45 minutes of study, allow 15 minutes of break time.

3. Mix up revision techniques

Everybody learns differently. To keep your child engaged, you can try various methods of revision. Speak to them and ask which works better for them.

You could try…

Mind maps

Ask your child to write down everything they know about a topic in a messy map or bullet points. This will help to jog their brain and see if they’ve missed any important points. These help your child realise how much they already know, so they can focus on areas that need a bit of polishing.


One of the most common revision tactics is simply repetition. You can ask your child to recite and repeat what they’ve learned to you out loud or in writing. This will also help to see in which areas they’re still hazy.

Flashcards, rhymes, sticky notes and colour-coded notes are also methods you could try.

1. Take practice exams

Exam boards usually publish practice papers that students can look at. These help children see how the exam will be laid out, so they’re not entering the exam hall blind. It also helps them to see how exam questions will be worded. You can use these as test practice or to see what topics might arise.

2. Keep things in perspective

It’s easy for students to get stressed during exam season. Remind your child that the more well-prepared they are, the less pressure they’re likely to feel going into the exam.

3. Identify areas for practice

Your child might be tempted to focus on their strongest subjects as this is where they feel most confident. It’s important to encourage them to start with topics they’re less practised in. This will give them plenty of time to learn the key takeaways and get more help from teachers if they need it.

4. Reverse the roles of student and teacher

Take on the role of student and ask your child to explain a topic to you as if they were your teacher. This will give them a fresh understanding of the topic – studies have shown the best way to revise is to teach. Help them out by asking plenty of questions and listening thoroughly.

5. Practise a healthy lifestyle

It’s essential that your child eats well, drinks plenty of water and stays active during exam season. They need the fuel and energy to get them through exams and to keep them feeling the best they possibly can.

This post was written by The Alice Smith School

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