studying at university going
Cao Thi Phuong Huyen, 19, a beneficiary of the GPOBA Vietnam Education Project studies in Hung Vuong University, Viet Tri city, Wednesday, April 23, 2014.

How is studying at university going?

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In 2020, 2.9 million young people were enrolled in higher education, and 57% of them (1.6 million *) had joined the university benches , according to figures from the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

A privileged way which has its specificities. Exit the quarters, the university operates by semester, with teaching units (UE) . Each of them is made up of different courses – practical work, tutorials and lectures – in which you will have graded assignments that count for the continuous assessment part and end-of-semester exams, the partials.

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At the university, lectures but also TD and TP

Depending on your course of study, you can count between 20 to 30 hours of lessons per week.To which you will have to add your personal work. The courses are divided into lectures (CM), practical work (TP) and tutorials (TD).

During the lectures, you will find the spirit of the theoretical courses of the high school. The big change lies in the size of the promotions, which can reach hundreds of students . The CMs are generally given in an amphitheater, depending on the number of students. To follow these courses correctly, you will need to adopt effective note taking. You have to know how to write quickly, while listening to a teacher who will not repeat.

The TP and the TD are concrete applications of the theory. Often, these courses are taught by professional speakers. The difference ? Practical work is carried out in small groups of students (about fifteen on average), with an emphasis on practice: manipulation, experimentation, creation, writing, etc.

The TDs, for their part, bring together groups of 25 to 30 students for professional simulation exercises or the realization of individual or collective projects.

Partial, continuous assessment… How will you be graded at university?

How will you be graded in college?

During your studies at the university, you will have on the one hand continuous control and on the other hand partials. The continuous assessment is made up of all the marks you will obtain at the end of your work (presentation, case studies, experimentation, etc.) during the year. The partials are dedicated exam times, which take place twice a year, at the end of each semester. They take stock of what you have learned.

Each course has a coefficient, depending on its importance within the course of study. You then obtain a general average (continuous assessment + partials) for each course, then for each Teaching Unit (UE).

Partial or continuous assessment: what form for evaluation at university?

How to validate your university studies?

To obtain your bachelor ‘s or master’s degree at the university, you must first validate the different teaching units at the end of the semester. If you obtain a general average greater than or equal to 10/20, you will then validate your semester and obtain 30 ECTS credits . Note that juries decide on a case-by-case basis for each course at the end of the semester, and that remedial sessions are planned.

The licenses, and now the BUT, correspond to 180 ECTS credits, i.e. six semesters to be validated. This system allows you to resume your studies exactly where you left off, even after a semester or a gap year.

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In professional license, emphasis on practice

The professional license is accessible after two years of validated studies (120 ECTS credits) in license, in BUT , but also for certain profiles from BTS. It constitutes THE professional branch of the university at bac+3 level.

Its objective is a rapid integration into the world of work after graduation (bac+3 level). The course is therefore very professional and often alternating.

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